Therapy Talk with

RAFT Counseling

Step into a world where we passionately share our expertise in anxiety, trauma, relationships, and stress, all while prioritizing your wellness. Our blog article library reflects the immense value, unwavering commitment, and dedicated approach that the RAFT Team brings to the mental and behavioral health space.

*This blog is not intended to replace human-to-human professional help or serve as a diagnostic tool* 

Ask A Therapist

Therapy Talk: Unlocking Answers in 'Ask a Therapist'. 

We invite you to actively participate in our engaging "Ask a Therapist" series. Whether you have burning questions about anxiety, trauma, relationships, or stress, our dedicated team is here to unlock the answers you're seeking. Join the conversation!

Adulting Series: Friendships - The 4 Words That Can Make or Break Your Friendship
Dec 30, 2021
Therapists experience challenges in relationships and friendships too. True, we go through a good amount of training on communication. But friendships are hard.... some words that can make all the difference....
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Adulting Series: Friendships - The Importance of Friends when We’re All Grown Up (Or Mostly Grown Up. Sometimes.)
Dec 27, 2021
Making friends as an adult is hard! Remember when we were kids and could walk up to that other kid in the awesome shoes and ask if we could play? I miss friendship being simple. I miss being able to ask “Can we be friends?” ...
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