Group Counseling

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Unlock the Power of Group Counseling and Discover the Support You Need

At RAFT Counseling, we believe in the transformative power of group counseling. Our carefully
designed and expertly facilitated groups provide a unique and enriching therapeutic experience
that can enhance your personal growth and emotional well-being. Whether you're seeking
support for a specific issue or simply looking to connect with others who share similar
experiences, our group counseling sessions offer a safe and nurturing environment to explore,
heal, and thrive.

Why Choose Group Therapy?

Connection and Community: Group counseling provides a valuable opportunity to connect with others who are navigating similar challenges or life circumstances. Being part of a supportive community can alleviate feelings of isolation and create a sense of belonging, fostering a shared
journey of growth and healing.

Diverse Perspectives: Group counseling brings together individuals from various backgrounds, ages, and experiences. This diversity enriches the therapeutic process, allowing for a wide range of perspectives, insights, and shared wisdom. The collective support and understanding from
fellow group members can lead to profound personal insights and breakthroughs.

Empowerment through Shared Learning: In a group setting, you can learn from the experiences and coping strategies of others, gaining valuable insights and alternative perspectives. The shared wisdom and support within the group can empower you to develop new skills, enhance self-
awareness, and explore effective strategies for personal growth.

Enhanced Social Skills: Group counseling provides a unique opportunity to practice and refine social skills in a safe and supportive environment. Through active participation, effective communication, and receiving feedback from group members and the facilitator, you can cultivate stronger interpersonal skills that can positively impact your relationships beyond the group setting.

Cost-Effective: Group counseling offers a cost-effective alternative to individual therapy while still providing a high level of therapeutic support. Sharing the costs among group members makes therapy more accessible, allowing you to receive the benefits of professional guidance at a
more affordable rate.

Unlock the potential of group counseling and embark on a remarkable journey of personal growth, healing, and connection. Our expertly facilitated groups provide a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your emotions, gain insights, and build meaningful relationships with others who share similar experiences. Discover the benefits of group counseling and join a transformative community that will empower you to thrive.

Exciting Group Offerings at RAFT Counseling:

We are thrilled to share our groups with you, designed to empower individuals and foster personal growth. 

Teen Thrive Group

Teen Thrive Group is specifically tailored to support 7th-9th grade students as they navigate the challenges and transitions of this pivotal stage. Through engaging activities and discussions, participants will build confidence, enhance social skills, and develop a strong sense of self-worth, empowering them to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

In our group sessions, we delve into essential topics that are crucial for navigating the challenges of middle school and high school and building a solid foundation for a successful future. Topics covered include self-awareness, distress tolerance, self-compassion, and connections. At RAFT Counseling, we believe that every student deserves a safe space to grow, learn, and thrive. By joining our group, you'll become part of a tight-knit community where you can freely express yourself, receive guidance from experienced facilitators, and forge lasting friendships.

Sign up today and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential!

This group will restart in the Fall

Reach out to us via our online form to register today!

Join Us Today


FAQs - Group Counseling at RAFT Counseling

At RAFT Counseling, we offer a diverse range of group therapy options tailored to various needs and interests. We may have different group offerings at different times, tailored to meet client needs. Our groups cover topics such as anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issues, grief and loss, self-esteem, and personal growth. Please contact us to learn more about the specific groups currently available.

Group sizes can vary depending on the specific group and its focus. Generally, our groups consist of 6 to 10 participants, allowing for a balanced and supportive dynamic. And sometimes we will start a group with only 2 or 3 participants from different families because we believe in a group and are excited to get it started!

Sharing personal information in group counseling is voluntary. We create a safe and confidential space where you can choose to share at your own comfort level. Respect for boundaries and confidentiality are crucial values in our group therapy sessions. Group guidelines and the importance of maintaining confidentiality are reviewed with every group at RAFT Counseling. What is said in the group stays in the group!

Group sessions typically last 90 minutes and meet weekly, but this can vary depending on the group. The duration and frequency will be specified for each group, ensuring consistency and continuity throughout the therapeutic process. They often run for a specified period of time, such as 10 weeks or 12 weeks, followed by a break.

During a break, our therapists are working hard to take the knowledge from the group and make it even better for the next round! Groups can be open or closed. If it is an open group, clients can join any time as long as we have room for a new participant.

Absolutely! Group counseling can be a powerful complement to individual therapy. Participating in both can provide unique benefits by combining the personalized support of individual therapy with the enriching experience of group dynamics.

To join a group counseling session at RAFT Counseling, please reach out to our team. We will guide you through the process, assess your needs, and match you with a group that aligns with your therapeutic goals.

Experience the Transformative Power of Group Counseling at RAFT Counseling today!